

Hi! You can call me Trish, just a girl who’s been obsessed with books and writing since I can remember. I named this site The Second Chance Writer because that’s how I feel about my writing journey.

I’ve led a creative life since I was in grade school when I wrote poetry, short stories and put together “magazines” as gifts for my mom. A couple of poems and nonfiction pieces made their way into school literary journals and I thrived around my writing community in college. But, after graduation, I got caught in soul-sucking jobs, lost my excitement and confidence and became lost and depressed.

Eventually, I began journaling again, wrote some new poems, and it felt so good to put words to paper. But I still thought my writing journey was probably over. I only realized it wasn’t after I got married and discovered my new husband believed in me and my dreams. Plus his adventurous and amazing life stories inspired a few of my NaNoWriMo projects that would eventually become novels. I started photography and poetry sites and I started blogging about writing and my personal experiences. I knew I wanted to self-publish. I just wasn’t sure how to go about it. But I wanted this second chance at my writing life.

It took many years to work through my depression, fear and procrastination, and I eventually found my authentic writing voice. But I didn’t do it alone. Besides my husband, I met many writers and creatives in person and online who helped me believe in myself, and I added indie author to my personal journey, publishing three novellas and a collection of poetry.

My stories are filled with flawed characters, complicated relationships and hopeful endings. I write in no specific genre, instead choosing to focus on my characters and their stories, the hard realities they face. These characters and stories are ones everyone can relate to and, I hope, will always remember.

Having found my voice and creative life much later than I wanted, I now appreciate this second chance at writing and publishing. And I know it can be done at any time and at any age. I believe we all have a chance, and a second chance, to live our dreams. It’s my hope and goal to help and inspire others on their writing/creative journey. I’ve spent the better part of this century writing, learning, growing, struggling with fear, making mistakes, but ultimately going for what I wanted. And today, I want to share everything with you.

As the second chance writer, I’d be honored to help you in any way I can.