recommended books

Train Gone–A Coda Ex-JW Memoir

Memoirs.  I've always loved reading other people's stories, but who wouldn't? More than interest and entertainment, there's always something to learn from another person's personal experiences, intimate knowledge and wisdom. There's always something to take away. Sometimes you feel good and hopeful, other times angry and needing a tissue. But I've never finished a memoir,… Continue reading Train Gone–A Coda Ex-JW Memoir

Self-publishing, Writing Journey

My Summer Writing Life

  I've been avoiding this blank space for too long. But I haven't avoided all writing--and editing, revision, researching and reading. No, just this site. My personal site. Why? Why do writers sometimes avoid a project they usually enjoy and know they should continue? And when a lot of time passes, it becomes both easier… Continue reading My Summer Writing Life

Poetry, Self-publishing

See Me…for real

If you didn't read my last post, (and chances are good you didn't), you don't know that I promised I would finally publish that long overdue second book within a week. And I did--on the seventh day. I already admitted I'm a procrastinator. 🙂 Technically, it was a bit easier this time since I already… Continue reading See Me…for real